Monday, October 1, 2007

I said WoW!

Now that I have sunk more time in World of Warcraft, (lvl 20 woot!) I thought I would give some more details impressions of Blizzard’s MMO.

Blizzard has done a great job putting this MMO together; for the most part there seems to be a great balance (something that Blizzard has been praised for years!) in the game. For someone like me who has been turned off by the whole MMO genre before found this game to be very inviting. It gives you as a player a lot of flexibility for solo adventuring, which in my opinion is just wonderful. Because the last thing I need to be doing is scheduling my life around what time members of my party/guild can meet online. But with that being said my experience with other MMOs is very limited.

My only gripe with it is that it has fairly deep story with a fair variety of missions, but I never really see the fruits of my labor! What I mean is that I get sent for a mission to save a sick forest or stop raiders from killing peasants and complete the mission and the world stays the same! Now I know that logistically it would be a headache to manage something like that in such a huge MMO like WoW, but that still doesn’t make my efforts feel any less worthless. But with that aside, WoW does just about everything else correct. Career skills are a must and the balance for what kind of character you are versus what career skills you have is so important. The fighting is simple enough for people who have little video game or MMO experience but deep enough for people with loads of both not to get bored of playing.

Just a word of warning! Be aware that this game will suck your life away! I thought I was immune to the charms of MMOs but it turns out I wasn’t. But if you don’t mind that WoW might be the closest thing you can find to a perfectly balanced MMO.


Revenantkioku said...

The game really does suck one in. I am constantly tempted to go back, but do my best to resist, haha.

BlackAce said...

Between WoW and really working on the comic, my time for all other games has been cut waaaaaay down. Mass Effect will change that I am sure!